The Feeling Fab Charitable Trust/Foundation requires that strict confidentiality be maintained with respect to all information obtained by volunteers concerning the organisation, as well as the clients and others they serve.
Volunteers shall not disclose any information obtained in the course of his/her volunteer placement to any third parties without prior written consent from the organisation. This includes but is not limited to information pertaining to financial status and operations such as budget information, donations of money or gifts in kind, salary information, information pertaining to clients, staff or other volunteers.
At no time are your religious beliefs/faiths to be discussed during your sessions with your clients.
No information concerning any volunteer will be divulged without prior written consent of the volunteer. This includes addresses, telephone numbers, etc.
Failure to comply with the confidentiality policies of the organisation may result in disciplinary actions, including the dismissal of the volunteer.
As a volunteer of this organisation, I understand that I may have access to confidential information, both verbal and written, relating to clients, volunteers or staff and the organisation.
I understand, and agree, that all such information is to be treated confidentially and discussed only within the boundaries of my volunteer position at this organisation.
I also agree not to discuss these same matters after I have left my volunteer position at this organisation. I further understand that breach of this agreement shall constitute grounds for and may result in termination of my volunteer status with this organisation, except where such disclosure is consistent with stated policy and relevant legislation.